Thursday, February 22, 2007

Not Dead Yet

Geez it's been a long time since I've added anything here. I see the last post said it was winter. Well, it got to be spring-like for a couple months. Then about a month ago, winter really got here. A couple mornings it was below -20F when I'd leave for work. One morning it was -26F! And we got quite a bit of now. But now a lot of it has melted because we got two days of 40+ degree weather. This weekend, tho, back to snow and messy weather. But spring isn't too far away! Then I can get my bike out again!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

OHMYGAWD! It's Winter!

Yesterday it snowed when I walked to the ramp after work. There was snow blowing around on the road on the way home. This morning when I left for work, it was 28 with a wind chill of 21. Supposed to have flurries today and tomorrow. Where did Fall go?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cough Cough

I haven't had a cold in, like, two years. But I've sure got one now. It's going on two weeks old. I hate it. I was doing okay, then rode up north to the Tomahawk (WI) Rally. Hit rain and spent five hours in 60 degree temps in the rain. Now I'm sick. And sick of being sick.

It's fall here now. The trees are starting to get really pretty and the temps are cool. The skies are that gorgeous blue you only get in the fall. I went out shooting geese on Sunday. Well, shooting them with a camera. Fun stuff.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


The weather has finally cooled down and it's what it's supposed to be like here in Wisconsin. Temps in the upper 70s to lower 80s, lower humidity. Absolutely beautiful riding weather and that has helped my mood sooooo much. Except that I managed to burn the inside of my leg on my bike whilst maneuvering it into my parking space in the garage Monday night. Yowza! Second degree burn the size of a silver d0llar. It's gonna take a while for this one to heal...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Doldrums of Summer

Things kinda suck right now. The SO is working 50 hours workweeks, so I'm *gasp* COOKING. Well, at least I haven't killed him yet.

Things have been pretty hot and sticky for the last month or so, but that's normal for July. Big fun this weekend--county fair time again. Went to our own county fair a couple weeks ago. I had to wait two freaking hours before I had my first mullet sighting. C'mon people, you're slipping!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

Jeeeeezuz is it hot here! Mid 90s with high humidity gives us heat indexes of over 100. This is Wisconsin, ferchrissakes, it's not supposed to be like this. Well, it is July, tho, so in reality it's supposed to be hot. But last year we never got to 90 so that's why I'm all whiny about it.

I went to the county fair on Saturday and it was even too hot to stay until the end of the tractor pull. At 9:30 PM it was still 87. I put that bit in about going to the tractor pull to make everyone jealous of my exciting life.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Guess I Should Update This

Yeah, update a blog nobody reads! Oh, well!

We had a good weekend attending a HOG event. Avoided all of the rain on the ride home yesterday, which was good. I found that I really like to drink something called a Summer Hummer. I'd like to have a gallon of those for work.

We're off on vacation again next weekend. I like taking vacations every couple weeks or so. I wish I was rich so I could quit my job and vacation full time!